The administration department is divided into four sections upon which its functions have been classified.

General Administration Section

  1. Facilitation of mayoral elections;
  2. Secretarial services;
  3. Fleet management;
  4. Provision of security;
  5. Certification of documents;
  6. General maintenance of the council premises;
  7. Registry Services;
  8. Enforcement of bye laws (Council Police);
  9. Inventory of Council properties.

Committee Section

The committee section of a local authority is responsible for a number of key functions, including:

  1. Planning and organizing committee meetings: This involves preparing the agenda, providing background information, arranging for facilities, and coordinating with stakeholders.
  2. Providing support to committee members: This includes briefing members on issues, providing advice and guidance on procedures, and ensuring that they have access to all relevant information.
  3. Undertaking research and analysis: The committee section is responsible for conducting research and analysis on matters that are to be discussed at committee meetings. This includes reviewing reports, gathering data, and consulting with stakeholders.
  4. Drafting reports and recommendations: The committee section is responsible for drafting reports and recommendations for consideration by committees and the local authority as a whole.
  5. Implementing decisions and policies: The committee section is responsible for implementing decisions and policies adopted by committees and the local authority
  6. Ensuring compliance: The committee section is responsible for ensuring that all the activities of committees and the local authority are conducted in compliance with the relevant laws, regulations, and policies.

Human Resource Section

The human resource section of a local authority is responsible for a number of key functions, including:

  • Recruitment and Placement: Manages effectively the recruitment process in order to facilitate selection and placement of appropriate staff.
  • Human Resource Planning: Manages timely Human Resource planning in order to ensure recruitment and placement of staff in the Council.
  • Staff Development: Manages effectively the development of human resource in order to enhance productivity.
  • Interpretation of Conditions of Service Manages timely interpretation and implementation of conditions of service in order to enhance adherence and staff retention.
  • Industrial relations: Manages timely good industrial relations practices in order to promote and maintain harmony in the Council.
  • Pay roll administration: Manages effectively the preparation of pay roll inputs in order to facilitate proper remuneration of salaries/wages and other pay roll related matters.
  • Staff Welfare: Manages effectively the staff welfare in order to promote good health and wellbeing of staff.
  • HIV/AIDS Workplace Programmes Manages effectively HIV/AIDS workplace programmes in order to enhance awareness and mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS.
  • Performance Management Manages effectively the implementation of performance standards in order to achieve expected results.
  • Reports: Supervises timely the preparation of periodic human resource reports in order to generate information for decision making.
  • Management Manages effectively human, financial and material resources in order to achieve the objectives of the department.


The office of the Town Clerk (TC) is the chief executive Officer (CEO) for the council. The Town Clerk office is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the overall management and supervision of all council operations this includes matters relating to policy guidance and coordination, monitoring and evaluation.

The office of the Town Clerk has three (3) units namely:



To oversee and manage the operations of the Council in order to ensure effective delivery of quality services to the community

Strategic Management   -


Oversees and coordinates effectively strategic management in order to align operations to the strategic direction of the Council.

Human Resource         -   Management and Development

Oversees and manages effectively the human resource management and development functions in order to optimize utilization of human resource and enhance staff performance.

Administrative and     -Support Services

Oversees timely the provision of legal, administrative and logistical support services in order to facilitate efficient and effective delivery of services

Public Relations           -

Oversees the management of the public relations function to ensure effective communication of information between the council and the public.

Service Provision          -

Oversees efficiently the provision of public services in order to improve the well-being of the community.

Resource Mobilization    -

Oversees effectively the mobilization of financial and other resources in order to enhance smooth operations of the Council.

Performance             - Management

Oversees and manages effectively the implementation of performance management system in order to deliver quality services.


The office of the Internal Audit Unit is responsible for auditing council finances and assets and preparation of audit responses in addition, the section ensures that financial management and stores controls put in place by the Zambian laws and regulations are adhered to at all times in all dealings.


Internal Audit, according to The International Standards for the Professional Practice of the Internal Auditing (Standards) and thus adopted by the Finance Management Act No 1 of 2018, section 2, is

Defines as ‘An Independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations and help an organisation to accomplish its objectives by bringing through a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluation and improvement of the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes’


Section 19 of the Public Finance management (General) Regulations, 2020 gives guidance on the reporting procedures by the Internal Auditors of the state-owned enterprises or local authority as follows:

An internal auditor of a state-owned enterprise or local authority shall

  • report to the accounting authority administratively and to the audit committee of the state-owned enterprise or local authority functionally; and

(b)         submit reports to the audit committee and the accounting authority and the report shall be copied to the Secretary to the Treasury, the Auditor General, Accountant General and Controller of Internal Audit.

 In the Public Finance management (General) Regulations,2020, “Accounting Authority” means a chief executive officer of a state-owned enterprise or local authority appointed by the controlling body or a relevant commission to oversee the management and control of the day-to-day operations of a public body. In the Case of Mazabuka Municipal Council, The Accounting Authority is the Town Clerk Mrs Judith M Mukwita.


Section 17(1) of the public finance management Act lists the functions of Internal auditors as follows:

  • To ascertain that risk management and internal control systems are in place and continually being improved and optimised in response to an ever-changing environment;

(b)         To provide reasonable assurance to controlling officers and the Secretary to the Treasury that internal controls exist and are being complied with as required by the Act;

(c)          To ascertain, evaluate and recommend improvements on governance processes put in place by management;

(d)         To review and appraise the appropriateness, adequacy and application of authorisation of financial and non-financial controls;

(e)         To promote effective controls at reasonable cost; and

(f)          ascertain the extent of compliance with established policies, plans, procedures in the Act and any other law.

Section (18) of the Public Management (General) Regulations, 2020 also state an addition to the functions stated in the Financial Management Act as follows

An internal auditor shall,

(a)      ensure that the work entailed in the receipt and payment of public money has been properly carried out under proper supervision;

(b)      Ensure that internal control measures, risk management, matters of governance and other procedures are adequate for the proper application of sound economic, effective and efficient management of public funds;

(c)       Ensure that safeguards for the prevention or prompt detection of fraud or loss of stores, cash or other Government assets, are adequate;

(d)      Ensure that accounting forms are properly protected, recorded and regularly checked;

(e)      Ensure that the system for checking of computer input and output are effective; accounting records

(f)       Ensure that the system for the control of the receipt, issue and use of stores is adequate;

(g)       Ensure that recording of the assets is up to date and correct;

(h)      Ensure that returns of revenue or expenditure required by a controlling officer are correctly prepared and promptly submitted; and

(i)        Ensure that monthly progress reports are submitted to the Secretary to the Treasury and the respective controlling

Suffice to note that, Section (20) of the public finance management (General) Regulations ,2020, States clearly that ‘the existence of an internal audit team in a public body shall not relieve a controlling officer or any other accounting officer of the individual responsibility.


 Section 19(5) of Financial Management Act lists the Functions of an audit committee as follows:

(a)    To receive reports from internal auditors;

(b)    To review audit policy and audit plans;

(c)    To evaluate the management procedures regarding

(i)     Internal controls;

(ii)    Financial reporting;

(iii)   External audit reports;

(iv)   Risk management;

(v)    Ethics and governance; and

(d)    Make recommendations to the Secretary to the Treasury or a controlling body.


The Public Relations Unit is responsible for all communication to the international audience of the council.


The Objectives of Public Relations Unit is dissemination of information to the public in order to have effective communication between the public and the Council.


       MEDIA REPORTS             -

Public Relations Unit timely the compilation of media and other reports on the operations of the Council in order to inform and educate the Public. 

         QUERIES                         -

Public Relations Unit accurately, responses to press and public queries in order to facilitate decision making.

         PUBLICATIONS             -

Public Relations Unit is in production of news articles in order to disseminate information within and outside the Council.

        PRESS RELEASES                        -

Public Relations Unit does the sensitization of Council programmes in order to enhance public awareness 

         DOCUMENTATION                   -

Public Relations Unit prepares documentation of media reports in order to facilitate efficient storage and retrieval of information.  

        PERFORMANCE                          -


Public Relations Unit Manages the implementation of performance management system in order to improve and sustain performance

         MANAGEMENT                         -

Public Relations Unit Manages effectively human, financial and material resources in order to achieve the objectives of the unit.


The Procurement and supply unit is responsible for acquisition, disbursement and storage of goods and stores in conformity with tender procedures and stores regulations also report directly to the office of the Town Clerk.


To supervise and undertake the procurement of goods and services in order to ensure smooth operations of the Council.

Procurement                   -

Procurement and supply unit undertakes efficiently the procurement of goods and services in order to ensure availability of materials for operational and maintenance requirements.

Secretarial Services       -

Procurement and supply unit effectively the provision of secretarial services to the Procurement Committee in order to facilitate implementation of procurement decisions

Performance Management                                                 

Procurement and supply unit undertakes the implementation of performance management system in order to improve and sustain performance

Supervision                   -

Procurement and supply unit undertakes effectively the use human, financial and material resources in order to enhance the operations of the unit.

The department of finance is one of the departments under the council responsible for effective and efficient mobilization and prudent utilization of financial resources in order to enhance service delivery.


  1. To maximise the revenue base of the Council through investment and prudent management of financial, Human and material resources for cost effective and efficient service provision.
  2. To prepare and maintenance of books of accounts
  3. Preparation of management and annual accounts
  4. Coordinate the preparation of the annual council budgets and undertake regular budget performance reviews
  5. To manage the payroll
  6. To maintain a fixed asset register
  7. To maintain a register of all accountable documents
  8. To Maintain an investment register
  9. To ensure efficient and effective stores management
  10. To process payments and keep up to records
  11. Production of monthly and quarterly financial reports to standing committees
  12. Provide financial advice to the Council


Fire prevention,

Protect people’s property

Humanitarian services


Construction and maintenance of roads and drainages in order to facilitate movement of people and goods and increase lifespan of roads.


Oversees efficiently the maintenance of municipal buildings in order to ensure safety of buildings and prolong life span.


Installation and maintenance of electrical systems in the municipal road network and general council infrastructure in order to facilitate the operations and safety of the public.


Coordinates efficiently the creation and maintenance of parks and gardens in order to provide recreational facilities beautify the town.


Quantifying and general procurement of projects in order to create value for money.


Provides architectural services in order to ensure adherence to architectural standards and design of municipal buildings.


Provision of water and sanitation services in the district



  1. Skills training (train women in skills e.g. tailoring)
  2. Management of sports and recreation activities (boxing, netball, football etc)
  3. Women’s club registration, formation and assisting them to access CDF funds
  4. Provision of Library Services
  5. Provision of a multi-purpose hall for hire


  1. a) Peri urban areas (housing, numbering and occupancy licenses)
  2. b) Undertake social economic surveys in the settlements
  3. c) Management of Council Housing units
  4. d) Maintain settlement registers and council properties
  5. e) Conduct elections for settlement committees


  1. Allocation of shops
  2. Allocating marketers shops and stands
  3. Collecting levies and revenue in the market
  4. Updating market registers
  5. Cleaning the markets
  6. General management of the markets


  1. Allocation of ticket sales
  2. Allocation of trading spaces
  3. Collection of bus loading fees and rentals
  4. Collection of toilet fees
  5. Cleaning of the Station
  6. Maintenance of Law and Order
  7. General management of the bus station.

Health interacts with several pieces of legislations some of which are: -

  1. The Constitution of Zambia
  2. The Public Health Act Cap 295.
  3. The Food and Drugs Act Cap No 7 of 2019
  4. The Liquor Licensing Act, No.20 Of 2011
  5. The Control of Dogs Act Cap 421
  6. Local Government Act No 2 of 2019
  7. Several Statutory instruments and By-laws
  8. Solid Waste regulation and Management Act 2018(No 20 of 2018)
  9. Environmental Management Act, 2011 (No 12 of 2011)


  1. Food Quality monitoring
  2. Meat and Meat Products Inspection
  3. Water Quality Monitoring
  4. Waste Management
  5. Pests/Vector Control
  6. Health Education
  7. Control of Public Nuisances
  8. Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases
  9. Inspection of premises
  10. Spearheading the keep Zambia Clean Green and Health Campaign


  1. Food quality control
  2. Seizure of food staffs
  3. Issuance of Disposal certificates
  4. Food permits
  5. Food poisoning investigations
  6. Food Sampling
  7. Food Complaints/Food poisoning investigations
  8. Food Quality Control
    1. Meat inspection
    2. Management of waste
    3. Monitor/report diseases to Veterinary department
    1. Water sampling (urban and Rural areas)
    2. Water analysis Routine inspections
    3. Distribution of treatment chemicals e.g. Chlorine in times of need
  1. Monitor waste Generation
  2. Collection, Transportation, Disposal
  3. Street sweeping/cleansing
  4. Waste management contracts to third parties
  5. Issuance of permit to use dump site
  6. Supervision of private companies managing waste
  • Check on compliance with the Building Regulations
    • Final inspection of buildings for purpose of issuing occupation certificates
  • Issuance of Partial Occupational certificate
  • Full Occupational certificates
  • Spraying
  • EIC services
  • Spraying (including indoor residual spraying)
  • Fumigation (e.g.  Bee eradication)
  • Dog population control
  • Trainings
  • Conduct patrols
  • Attend to public complaints
  • Prosecutions
  • IEC activities
  • IEC activities
  • Enforcement of statutes on prevention
  • Distribution of preventive materials/chemicals
  • Contact tracing
  • Burial of the dead
  • Facilitation of multi sector approaches
  • Resource mobilization.

The Department of Legal Services (DLS) provides and facilitates acquisition through legal procedure of property in land ownership and business licenses. The main objective of the Department is to provide legal services to the Council in order to ensure that it operates within the legal framework.

The Department has an internal culture oriented interaction towards problem solving through cooperation and collaboration with other departments. Our Department incorporates and promotes the concept that effectiveness of services begins and ends with the client demand and also relies on well-trained involved personnel.

In pursuing this overarching objective, the Department of Legal Services (DLS) seeks to produce measurable improvements in communication with its clients, realizing that “trying hard waiting for client demand is not good enough”. The department also endeavors to instill a result accountability model in its approach to planning as evidenced in this Framework for Excellence.

The Department is comprised of five separate Sections as follows:

  • Litigation
  • Contract
  • Deeds and Registry
  • Estate
  • Licensing


 Our department’s core values are:

  • Efficiency
  • Excellence
  • Thoroughness
  • Responsiveness
  • Collaboration
  • Relevance
  • Transparency
  • Honesty/Trustworthiness
  • Ethics

We also embrace code of ethics and legal professional values system that embodies the principles, ideals and beliefs of its staff, administrators, and trustees, and forms the foundation for effective actions as.

  • Excellence
  • Teamwork
  • Collegiality and Shared
  • Governance Inclusiveness of Ideas
  • Principled Leadership
  • Supporting Our Clients
  • Use of Technology
  • Equitable Reward System


The role of our department is centered on the legal frameworks. Its many programs are on daily demand and mostly land acquisition and business licenses, and were constant efforts are made to ensure relevance and effectiveness. The services provided mostly to clients are:

  • Processing of land applications in order to facilitate allocation and sustainable development
  • Maintenance of the Deeds Register in order to facilitate property ownership
  • Issuance of licenses in order to regulate the conduct of business.

Our mission is to promote, facilitate, regulate and provide access to relevant and responsive guidance on legal services.

Our objective is to provide legal guidance to ensure Council operates within the legal framework


The operation of our department is always guided by pieces of authorities as follows;

  • The Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019
  • The Principle Lands Act CAP 184
  • Commissioner of Lands Circular No.1 of 1985
  • Liquor Licensing Act, 2011
  • Business Levy Statutory Instrument No. 20 of 2012 of the Local Government Act
  • Mazabuka Municipal Council Strategic Plan
  • The Council By-Laws
  • The Council Resolutions

To undertake specific principle facilitations in line with the authorities’ guidance, the Land Alienations and Development Policy have been formulated. This policy provides the guidelines on how to apply for different categories of land for acquisition of ownership and development.







Processing of land applications and allocation letters

Advertising of created/available plots in Print Media

Within 21 Days

Issuance of allocation letters is made in 2 Months after the Council’s approval 

Receiving of land application

Within 10 Minutes

Reporting and interviewing applicants by the Committee

Within 01 Months

Council Approval of successful applicants 

Within 2 Months 

Writing of allocation letters  to successful applicants

Within 15 Minutes


1)     A copy of a client National Registration Card

2)     A proof of a receipt of an application Form

3)     A proof of sources of funds to develop







Facilitate property ownership (State Land)

Creating of client files and Calculation of service charge Fees

Within 25 Minutes

Issuance of Title is made by the Commission of Lands

Requesting of Extract of Minutes from Administration

Within 15 Minutes

Writing of recommendation letter to the Commission of Lands for issuance of Title Deed

Within 15 Minutes


1)     3 copies of a client National Registration Cards

2)     3 copies of Service Charge Receipts

3)     3 copies of allocation letters

4)     3 sets of the application Form “A’’







Facilitate property ownership (Improvement  Areas)

Creating of client file

Within 30 Minutes

Issuance of Occupancy License will be within 14 working days after the approval of the Council

Receiving of application form

Within 30 Minutes

Reporting of applicants to the Committee

Within 01 Months

Council Approval of the application 

Within 2 Months 

Preparation and Issuance of Occupancy Licence

Within 2 Weeks


1)     3 copies of a client National Registration Cards

2)     3 copies of Ownership Documents (Allocation letter or Contract of Sale)

3)     3 copies of Proof of Payments (Receipts)







Facilitate property ownership on Conversion of Tenure

Creating of client files

Within 25 Minutes

Issuance of Title is made by the Commission of Lands

Reporting of application to the Committee

Within 01 Months

Council Approval of the application  

Within 2 Months 

Requesting of Extract of Minutes from Administration

Within 15 Minutes

Writing of recommendation letter to the Commission of Lands for issuance of Title Deed

Within 15 Minutes


1)     3 copies of a client National Registration Cards

2)     3 copies of Inspection, Scrutiny, Application and Extract of Minutes Receipts

3)     3 copies of hand written letters from the Chief

4)     3 sets of the application Form

5)     3 Inspection report

6)     3 copies of Form “C’’

7)     8 Original Copies of a Site Plan date stumped and signed by both the Royal Highness and Director of Planning  







Facilitate property ownership on change of recommendations

 (State Land)

Creating of client files

Within 25 Minutes

Issuance of Title is made by the Commission of Lands

Calculation of service charge/change of recommendation Fees

Within 10 Minutes

Reporting of application to the Committee

Within 01 Months

Council Approval of the application  

Within 2 Months 

Requesting of Extract of Minutes from Administration

Within 15 Minutes

Writing of recommendation letter to the Commission of lands for issuance of Title Deed

Within 15 Minutes


1)     Contract of sale handled by the legal firm/Commission of Oath

2)     Change of recommendation form

3)     3 copies of a client National Registration Cards

4)     3 copies of Service Charge/Change of recommendation Receipts

5)     3 copies of allocation letters

6)     3 sets of the application Form “A”







Facilitate property ownership on change of ownership

 (Improvement Areas)

Creating of client files

Within 25 Minutes

Issuance of Occupancy License will be within 14 working days after the approval of the Council

Calculation of Change of Ownership Fees

Within 10 Minutes

Reporting of application to the Committee

Within 01 Months

Council Approval of the application  

Within 2 Months 

Requesting of Extract of Minutes from Administration

Within 15 Minutes

Preparation and Issuance of Occupancy Licence

Within 2 Weeks


        1)   Contract of sale handled by the legal firm/Commission of Oath

 2)   Change of Ownership form

        3)   3 copies of a client National Registration Cards

        4)   3 copies of Change of Ownership Receipts

        5)   3 copies of allocation letters/occupancy license or Contract of Sale 







Licensing for business levy

Receiving of application for renewal of business levies 

1st August to 31st October of each year

Issuance of Business Levy will be within 1 week after compliance

Issuance  of quotation 

Within 5 Minutes

Preparations and Issuance of Certificates of Business levy

Within 1 week


1)     Proof of payment (Receipts)

2)     Tax clearance Certificate (If applicable)

3)     PACRA Certificate (If applicable)

4)     Copy of NRC (Personal Business)


Licensing for Liquor

Receiving of application for renewal of business license

1st August to 31st October of every after three years

Issuance of Liquor License will be within 1 week after compliance

Issuance of quotation 

Within 5 Minutes

Report of the applicant to the Licensing Committee

Within 1 Month

Approval of the application by the Council

Within 2 Months

Preparations and Issuance of Certificates of License

Within 1 week


1)     Proof of payment (Receipts)

2)     Approved Building Plan

3)     Tax clearance Certificate

4)     PACRA Certificate

5)     Fire Certificate

6)     Health Certificate

7)     Police Report for Licences 


Licensing for petroleum

Receiving of application for renewal of business licence

1st August to 31st October of each year

Issuance of Petroleum Licences will be within 1 week after compliance

Issuance  of quotation 

Within 5 Minutes

Preparations and Issuance of Petroleum Certificate

Within 1 week


1)     Proof of payment (Receipts)

2)     Tax clearance Certificate

3)     PACRA Certificate

4)     Fire Certificate

5)     Health Certificate

6)     Police Report for Licence 

As a planning authority, the Council, through the Department of Planning promotes economic and orderly use of land in order to achieve the development of a healthy, functional and aesthetically pleasing built environment suitable for attracting into the city a conducive atmosphere for enhancing the quality of life for those who live, work and visit the town.

The above objective is made possible through:

  1. Effectively taking care of physical planning matters in a town
  2. Ensuring that planning permission is granted for all development activities in the town in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act Cap 283 of the Laws of Zambia, and
  3. Monitoring and compelling developers to undertake development as per approved development plans.
  4. Inspection of buildings
  5. Identifying legal and illegal developments (building and plots)
  6. Scrutinization of building and city plans
  7. Review developmental projects in the district and ascertain their suitability to the environment and the people
  8. Identifying environmental hazard and providing mitigation measures
  9. Carryout environmental impacts assessment